2009年本科毕业于河北工业大学,主修材料科学与工程专业,2012年硕士毕业于浙江大学,硕士期间从事硅基ZnO (CdZnO)薄膜及其MIS器件制备与光电性能研究课题,2019年在山东大学取得博士学位,博士期间主要对固态电解质及其全固态锂(钠)离子电池制备及性能进行研究。目前一作发表SCI文章4篇,合作SCI文章12篇,实质审查中专利3项,自2019年到山东交通学院理学院工作至今。
1. X. Xu, et al. Li7P3S11 solid electrolyte coating silicon for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 276, 325-332 (2018).
2. X. Xu, et al. Li7P3S11/poly (ethylene oxide) hybrid solid electrolytes with excellent interfacial compatibility for all-solid-state batteries. Journal of Power Sources
3. X. Xu, et al. Composite solid electrolyte of Na3PS4-PEO for all-solid-state SnS2/Na batteries with excellent interfacial compatibility between electrolyte and Na metal. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 41, 73-78 (2020).
4.X. Xu, et al. Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing Ambient on Photoluminescence of ZnO Films. Chinese Physics Letters 29, 037301 (2012).