1. Xue Song, Shuping Ma, Indefinite linear quadratic optimal control for continuous-time rectangular descriptor Markov jump systems: infinite-time case, International Journal of Systems Science, 2022, 53(15): 3302-3321. (SCI,第一作者)
2. XueSong, Shuping Ma, Indefinite linear quadratic optimal control problem for continuous-time linear descriptor Markov jump systems, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2023, 21(2): 485-498. (SCI,第一作者)
3. Xue Song, Shuping Ma, Robust dynamic output feedback control for nonlinear time-varying delay rectangular descriptor Markov jump systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2023, 360(16): 11553-11577. (SCI,第一作者)
4. Xue Song, Shuping Ma, Finite-time dynamic output feedback control for one-sided Lipschitz nonlinear rectangular descriptor Markov jump systems, Circuits, systems, and signal processing, 2024, DOI:10.1007/s00034-023-02595-w. (SCI,第一作者)